Admission to Online Pāli Hindi Certificate Course 2025 Now Open.




Link will remain open from 1st March to 31st March 2025

How to start learning Pāli ?


Way 1:


Join the Online Pāli-Hindi (7 months) or Online Pāli-English (9 months) course organized by VRI.

Every year, Pāli English course starts on the 1st Saturday of Feb (Application Form opens a month before the course begins)

Every year, Pāli Hindi course starts on the 1st Saturday of April (Application Form opens a month before the course begins)

Way 2:


Self Study. 

Till the time you join the online Pāli course or want to do self-study, download the free resources made available by VRI and start learning Pāli on your own


Free Resources made available by VRI:

1) Free Book : PĀLI PRIMER (PDF Version)


Pāli Primer by Lily de Silva - English  Pāli Primer by Lily de Silva - Hindi  Pāli Primer by Lily de Silva - Marathi

Primer by Lily de Silva - English

Primer by Lily de Silva - Hindi

  Primer by Lily de Silva - Marathi

Book Description: This book is an introduction to Pāli language for beginners. It is based on the principle of teaching grammar through composition, using a gradually expanding vocabulary.

This book is intended as a companion volume to the book ‘Key to Pāli Primer’ which contains exercises for translations into and from English language.

It is ideal for Vipassana meditators as well as non-meditators, interested in learning Pāli language and research scholars interested in the Buddha’s teachings.

2) Free Book : KEY TO PĀLI PRIMER  (PDF Version)

Key-to-Pali-Primer-EnglishKey-to-Pali-Primer-Hindi  Key-to-Pali-Primer-Marathi

Key to Pāli Primer - English

Key to Pāli Primer - Hindi

Key to Pāli Primer - Marathi

Book Description: This book is a second part of the book published by VRI titled as ‘Pāli Primer’, which gives a basic introduction to the Pāli language. This book contains answers to the exercises provided in the book ‘Pāli Primer.’


3) Pali-Hindi Dictionary by Bhadant Anand Kausalyayan


Pali-Hindi Dictionary-Kausalyayan

Book Description:This dictionary is in PDF format where one can search perticular word

4) Entire Tipitaka (Web Version)

Language: 15 scripts (Devanagari, Roman, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Cyrillic, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Khmer, Myanmar, Sinhala, Thai, Tibetan)

5) Entire Tipitaka on Windows Desktop/Laptop &  iOS

(144 Volumes, Each volume is approximately 400 pages)

Language: 15 scripts (Devanagari, Roman, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Cyrillic, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Khmer, Myanmar, Sinhala, Thai, Tibetan)

6) धम्मपद, धम्मवाणी संग्रह, अंगुत्तर निकाय- खंड १ ( तिक निपात: तक)  का VRI प्रमाणित हिंदी अनुवाद

Language: Hindi

आप इन अनुवादों के साथ पालि को पढ़ सकते हैं और पालि व्याकरण की सहायता से समझ सकते हैं।


Paid resources made available by VRI:

  1. Pāli Primer :
  2. Key to Pāli Primer :
  3. सरल पालि व्याकरण :
  4. सरल पालि व्याकरण (PDF)
  5. घर-घर में पालि :
  6. घर-घर में पालि : (PDF)
  7. Kathāsallāpasikkhā
  8. Kathāsallāpasikkhā (PDF)

With Mettā,

Vipassana Research Institute