Admission to Online Pāli Hindi Certificate Course 2025 Now Open.




Link will remain open from 1st March to 31st March 2025

आगामी कोर्सेस

1) Course Name : Online Pāli Hindi Course 2025




Primary objective: The course caters to those who wish to learn Pāli language through Devanagri script. The grammatical terms & nuances of language are explained in Hindi. The course gives sufficient knowledge of the language, to enable one to read & understand the original words of the Buddha.

Course Duration: About 7 months

Eligibility: HSC or minimum 12 years of education. At least one 10-Day Course of Vipassanā as taught by S.N. Goenka ji, in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin.

Fees: Free of charge

Exam: Online Exam will be conducted at the end of the Course.

Course Dates: Course Begins first Saturday of April

Course Days: Once a week, every Saturday, you get access to 2 lectures, next Saturday next 2 lectures and in this way the course proceeds. Access to lectures will be available till the end of the current course.

Course Time: You can listen and study at your convenient time and date in the week after the lectures gets uploaded on every Saturday on the Pali-Hindi Website.

Course Platform: Each Lecture will be available on the Pali-Hindi Google Website, specially created for the use of registered students of this course.

Daily Communication: Daily reminders regarding sessions and assignments will be posted on the Whats App group, Please note. 

Certification: Students wishing to get a certificate will have to appear for an online examination at the end of the Course. Kindly Note: Certificates will be awarded to those who secure minimum 40 marks in the examination.

2) Course Name : Online Pāli English Course 2025 

Course Started on the first Saturday of February. Course in Progress.

(Next Course admission-Link to application form will open in Jan 2026)

Primary objective: The course caters to those who wish to learn Pāli language through Roman script. The grammatical terms & nuances of language are explained in English. The course gives sufficient knowledge of the language, to enable one to read & understand the original words of the Buddha.

Course Duration: About 9 months

Eligibility: HSC or minimum 12 years of education. At least one 10-Day Course of Vipassanā as taught by S.N. Goenka ji, in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin.

Fees: Free of charge

Exam: An online examination will be conducted at the end of the course.

Course Dates: 1st Feb to 20th September 2025

Course Days: 2 recorded lectures will be made available every Saturday,  by 10:30am - IST. (Students can study at their
convenience in the week till next Saturday.)

Course Time: You can listen and study at your convenient time and date in the week after the lectures gets uploaded on every Saturday on the Pali-Hindi Website.

Course Platform: Lectures will be made available to students for viewing on the VRI Pāli-English website until the end of the course.

Certification: Students wishing to get a certificate will have to appear for an online examination at the end of the course.(Online Exam will be conducted in the first week of October -2025)

Please Note: Certificates will be awarded to only those students who score minimum 40% marks in the examination.